Thursday, May 07, 2020

On Conspiracies and Coronavirus

Gnosticism is a Christian heresy; gullibility is a Christian vice.
The amount of conspiracy theories shared on Facebook in the last month is absolutely staggering. Humans are meaning making creatures. When something doesn't fit our current paradigm of thinking, we pull together disparate make a story to that gives meaning, purpose, or reason. Using facts makes those stories believable. But just because something is believable doesn't make it true.

Sadly, most of the people I see sharing conspiracy theories are Christians.They are people I know who deeply love Jesus. Why are Christians so susceptible to believe and propagating conspiracy theories? I blame Left Behind. Pre-millennialism is founded on having secret knowledge about how the world will end. It was built by uncovering the secret narrative hidden in disparate verses (facts) that gave meaning to the events around us.Articles and news reports were dissected in order to line up current events with apocalyptic signs. The goal was to predict the coming of Jesus and the end of suffering in the world.

Finding secret knowledge that made sense of the world around us was the means of finding hope.
And that's the goal now. Conspiracy theories promise special knowledge that is hidden from the general public. Salvation is promised to those few who are willing to believe the story.And of course, there is always an enemy trying to keep it hidden.

Conspiracy theories offer the false hope of special knowledge. But here's the truth: none of us really knows what all this really means.Our true hope comes from the promise that the one who does know holds all things together will one day bring restoration. When? Don't know. How? Don't know. But that's the salvation that's coming.

Too many American Christians regard freedom as one of the theological virtues (faith , hope and love) and as a gift of the Spirit.
So I implore you, let’s get back to our first love. Not a protectionist love of self (will a one-world government take away my freedom, my home, or – God-forbid – my Facebook profile?) but a love of Christ that is willing to give up everything (freedom included – just ask the apostle Paul) to be a witness to Jesus, his death and resurrection!

And if, in some future generation a government again takes away the freedom of Christians, we’ll join our hearts with faithful saints throughout history – those that went through the Gulag, the Maoist persecutions, the Boxer rebellion, the North Korean prison system – and the list could go on and on – and looking to Jesus we’ll still sing, “He is worthy of it all!


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