Monday, August 16, 2021

Thoughts on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

Our entries into Viet Nam and Afghanistan were akin to becoming a drug addict. Once we got hooked, there was no way to withdraw without the withdrawals.

The U.S. has an addictive personality. It's in our genes: we are a nation born of revolution and violence. Studies show that if you have one addiction, you are likely to have another, and we were already addicted to racism. Addicts have a love of excitement, and even the Superbowl doesn't give us as satisfying a thrill as waving the flag and flashing our military superiority. According to WebMD, "Studies that looked at the brains of addicts found they’re more likely to make snap decisions without considering the long-term consequences." Who does that sound like?

Our desire for war and its social, political and economic stimuli has become more important to us than any other goods. We are hooked, and we are taking our neighbors down with us.

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