Sunday, October 20, 2019

New Yorker Radio Hour Interview with Nancy Pelosi

My respect for Nancy Pelosi has grown daily in the last few weeks. This 10/12/19 New Yorker Radio Hour interview has increased it even more. It's clear she would rather talk about legislation, the work that the House is doing, rather than His Stable Genius.

15:41, " Everything he says is a projection of himself. When he calls me 'Nervous Nancy,' I know he's very nervous."

15:45, "He never mentions his mother. ahve you heard that? I heard him once say, 'My mother said I like trucks.' That was the only reference I ever heard him make. But you know what? Forget about him. It's only 13 months--fewer than 13 months--til the election. We've got to be talking about a wonderful future for our country. All these beautiful candidates up there; I'm so proud of all of them, showing their why: why they think they should be president. What they care about, know about. The climate. Education. Social justice. Strategically how they can encourage people to work with them to get things done."

18:20,  "We don't have to lead with our differences. Let's lead with what we have in common, then try to persuade people to our other point of view. Because--and you can tell people I said this--what has happened to our country in the last almost 3 1/2, 2/12 years, whatever it is--we can repair. It is a decision we must make, to repair. We can heal some naturally, but we must proactively repair. Another term: irreparable. The courts and the rest. We must. Win. The presidential election.

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