What makes the Black Friday Feeding Frenzy unique is the magnitude to which we are institutionalizing the celebration of greed. See < http://bestblackfriday.com/blog/pima-county-replaces-columbus-day-black-friday/ > "Holiday" has its etymological roots in the concept of a holy day. By regarding Black Friday as a holiday/holy day we are venerating consumerism and capitalism. It even is becoming a parody of the Jewish festival of Sukkot: throughout the week of Sukkot, meals are eaten in temporary outdoor shelters and the males sleep in them.
"Consider the example of the Kelley family in Fort Myers, Fla., so determined to sacrifice nothing of their quality of life while in quest for the perfect deal that they showed up in front of the local Best Buy’s doors on Monday, equipped with a dinner table. This is what we call not messing around:
“[Over the years] we’ve pretty much gone from not sleeping in a tent to a tentand slowly progressed to where we’ve got everything that we remember weneed,” said Sean Kelley, who is ready to have his Thanksgiving feast in
line, [as reported by WSVN.com in Miami/Fort Lauderdale.]
“On Thanksgiving, mom comes out with the china and the plates, and
we’ve got everything you have on a normal Thanksgiving table.”"
During Sukkoth, Jews direct their passion toward God, remembering his "sheltering provision and care." During Black Friday, Americans direct their passion toward Stuff, anticipating and then taking hold of material goods in an effort to get what they don't have, believing that happiness comes from having.
Black Friday awakens "the lust for the kill," the adrenalin rush one gets when hunts one's prey, corners it, and finally overpowers it. I am sorry to say that I myself have experienced this "rush" at snagging stuff at sales. I am now coming to see that instead of overpowering the stuff, the stuff has overpowered me. As Josef Pieper writes, "we can possess only what is less than ourselves, things, objects. However, we are possessed by what is greater than ourselves.--God and his attributes, Truth, Goodness, Beauty. This alone can make us happy, can satisfy the restless heart, can fill the infinite, God-shaped hole at the center of our being. Avarice simply doesn't work." (Back to Virtue)
Capitalism’s grossest win: The final triumph of Black Friday
From Plymouth Rock to Thanksgiving at Best Buy: The Puritan ethic went spectacularly astray, all for an iPad mini
For wily veterans of a decade of Black Friday doorbuster sales, 2012 was the year that the last semblance of a boundary between the actual day of Thanksgiving and the formal commencement of the holiday shopping season finally collapsed. It wasn’t just the decision by some of the biggest retailers to move their opening hours earlier than ever before. For many customers, the exact time when the doors were unlocked was irrelevant, because Thanksgiving had already become completely subsumed in shopping mania. What difference does it make if the doors open at 8 p.m. or midnight, if you were already in line days earlier?
Consider the example of the Kelley family in Fort Myers, Fla., so determined to sacrifice nothing of their quality of life while in quest for the perfect deal that they showed up in front of the local Best Buy’s doors on Monday, equipped with a dinner table.
This is what we call not messing around:
“[Over the years] we’ve pretty much gone from not sleeping in a tent to a tent and slowly progressed to where we’ve got everything that we remember we need,” said Sean Kelley, who is ready to have his Thanksgiving feast in line, [as reported by WSVN.com in Miami/Fort Lauderdale.] “On Thanksgiving, mom comes out with the china and the plates, and we’ve got everything you have on a normal Thanksgiving table.”That’s some real can-do American pioneer spirit right there, worthy of the Puritan settlers who struggled through fierce New England winters to bequeath us our most indigenous of holidays. The merger of festival and fantastic flat-screen TV deal makes sense: The United States is the greatest consumer society that has ever existed on this planet. Shopping is the lifeblood of our economy; capitalism as we know it would founder if we all stopped buying stuff. In this context, “buying nothing” on the very day that the Christmas shopping season traditionally begins would be foundationally unpatriotic. And if that means passing the gravy while standing in line in front of Wal-Mart, so be it.
Andrew Leonard is a staff writer at Salon. On Twitter, @koxinga21.
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