Hello, my name is Beth and I am a craigslist junkie.
Mine is a sad tale.
About two months ago when it looked like we would be moving, I started doing craigslist. We had this big old rabbit hutch that needed to be gone. I put it online; but in the process I had to decide where it should be listed. Farm and Garden? General? Perhaps even Material, as it had some nice wood and metal that could be recycled into something else.
Well, of course I needed to check out those listings to see if it would fit. How interesting...look, they're selling a sewing machine like that one I got from my mom...how much? Gee. I should try to sell mine. And look at that darling loveseat. What a deal! We could get rid of our old big sofa and downsize to something sleeker. Wow. Somebody's getting rid of their flagstones...we could use them to make a walkway at the new house.. And on and on.

Now I look, on the pretense of seeing the newest ways to spell words. Antique armwoir. Missmached chairs. Black rod iron fence. Swival rocker. Chase Lounge. Bare Escentials mineral line. Then there are those who believe every word deserves at least one "h:" Rhatan chair, white whicker table, one chord firewood.
Finally, there are the rare gems like this one that keep me on the string:
The Gaspump Your Wife Always Wanted For The Living Room - $950 (Bandon Oregon)

So see how easily craigslist can get under your skin?
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