(CNN) -- A man reportedly angry about a zoning decision drove a large bulldozer fortified with steel plates through Granby, Colorado, Friday afternoon, demolishing parts of the town center and exchanging gunfire with authorities, officials said....
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Marvin Heeyemer was angry. So he decided to destroy Granby.
"I think God will bless me to get the machine done, to drive it, to do the stuff I have to do...." he said. "I'm trying to be as prepared as I can be to do what I believe needs to be done. What God has inspired me to do.....it's definitely in God's hands. It's not in my hands. Without a doubt I'm building it, but there's a reason why I am successful at continuing this project....When you visit evil upon someone, be assured it will revisit you....How come they didn't catch me? I wasn't supposed to get caught."
Why do people always seem able to hear God telling them to take revenge, but never when He tells them to forgive? How is it that we are so ready to claim divine inspiration confirming our own desires, but never want to test what we think we are hearing it against the scriptures, which are indeed God's word?
Epiphany is a time of revelation, but what is being revealed is neither a program nor an intuition but a Person. And whether it is Epiphany or not, we should always take time to compare our private illuminations to Christ, the Truth.
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