Almighty Father,
Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen,
we bless you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life.
We thank you for your Son
Jesus Christ,
through Whom all things were made,
and through Whom all things are being made new again.
Today we celebrate Jesus as the Living Word.
Jesus Christ is the Word of God,
Incarnate Word, Word made flesh.
He pitched his tent among us, and dwells among us even now
through the Holy Spirit, the giver of Life.
Today we confess that ours is a generation overwhelmed with human words.
We have constructed our own virtual world, which some of us prefer to your creation.
We are flooded with information, consumed by conversation.
Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen,
we bless you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life.
We thank you for your Son
Jesus Christ,
through Whom all things were made,
and through Whom all things are being made new again.
Today we celebrate Jesus as the Living Word.
Jesus Christ is the Word of God,
Incarnate Word, Word made flesh.
He pitched his tent among us, and dwells among us even now
through the Holy Spirit, the giver of Life.
Today we confess that ours is a generation overwhelmed with human words.
We have constructed our own virtual world, which some of us prefer to your creation.
We are flooded with information, consumed by conversation.
One of our poets once wrote that our words
“strain. Crack and sometimes break;
slip, slide, perish,
They decay with imprecision, do not stay in place,
and will not stay still.”
But your Word isn’t like that at all.
Our words strain, crack and sometimes break,
But Your Word is living, and active.
Our words slip, slide and perish,
But your Logos is enduring, faithful and True.
Our words decay with imprecision,
they do not stay in place, and will not stay still.
But Your Word stands forever.
Today we praise you for your powerful and gracious Word,
and ask that He might dwell in us richly.
Today we confess that we do not live by bread alone ,
“strain. Crack and sometimes break;
slip, slide, perish,
They decay with imprecision, do not stay in place,
and will not stay still.”
But your Word isn’t like that at all.
Our words strain, crack and sometimes break,
But Your Word is living, and active.
Our words slip, slide and perish,
But your Logos is enduring, faithful and True.
Our words decay with imprecision,
they do not stay in place, and will not stay still.
But Your Word stands forever.
Today we praise you for your powerful and gracious Word,
and ask that He might dwell in us richly.
Today we confess that we do not live by bread alone ,
but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God.
Enable us to taste and see His goodness, we pray.
Enable us to taste and see His goodness, we pray.
In Jesus' name,
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