Steve has just passed this news on to me:
I don't if you remember Lou Poijman, a professor for a short while at Notre Dame. I remember him as a chess player and committed Christian very interested in apologetics.
Years later I heard from Jay, I think, that Lou had abandoned his faith. This past week Kelly Clark sent out an SCP notice that Lou had died, but that a couple years ago he had rejoined SCP. His memorial service is being held in a Unitarian church. Who knows what all that means for the state of his soul.
Pojman was incredibly prolific; many many textbooks and lots of publications through Oxford Press, and I have several of them as desk copies. I had not known what happened to him after ND and to hear he lost his faith is sad.
Last night at our Lectio Dawn had us meditate on Luke 18:35- 43. What impressed me was the way Jesus responded to the beggar's cry, "Son of David!" He graciously stops for us even when we recognize only part of the truth about Who He is, but doesn't leave us just with that. I pray that, at some point, Lou might have come to say, "have mercy on me," even if he was confused about Who it was he was addressing; and I trust Him to have dealt with that blindness with the same compassion and patience as He did to that beggar.
There's a philosophy blog I have recently discovered called the Prosblogion. Kvanvig and DeRose commented on it regarding the Wheaton Conference issues ( see http://prosblogion.ektopos.com/archives/2005/09/wheaton_philoso.html). There is a memorium entry for Pojman on it, here: http://prosblogion.ektopos.com/archives/2005/10/in_memoriam_lou.html It's worth reading. Apparantly it was liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver and Hep-C that took him.
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