Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hauerwas on C-10 and Hope

Read the whole article. It is brimming with wisdom and truth.

Schooling Hope

Stanley Hauerwas

April 27, 2020

Stanley Hauerwas: I don’t know that the doors were shut...
...God’s altar was not empty on Easter. The resurrection assures us that it was not..>

<...hope and patience are central Christian virtues. We’re an eschatological people who must learn to live between the times with hope, but our hopes can be tyrannical if they are not schooled also by patience. Hope and patience are necessarily correlative virtues.>

< I think that the closing of the churches is tragic but necessary and that it needs to be seen as a gesture and witness of neighbor-love, to each other and to non-Christians. We recognize that we’re under a common danger, and that makes necessary a common way of life. We must share with non-Christians the burden of not meeting together. Of course, in bearing that burden as Christians, though it may look the same, in fact we are enacting a different narrative.>

< Patiently living with each other makes it possible for people to discover a common good.>

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