Lost is on again tonight. I've decided that Jacob is a figure of the archangel Michael, and MIB is a figure of the archangel Samael. Here's why:
MICHAEL: (from Wikipedia and Lostpedia)
(Hebrew: is an archangel in Hebrew, Christian and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. ... Michael is also described(in the book of Daniel) as the advocate of Israel and "great prince who stands up for the children of your [Daniel's] people".
The Talmudic tradition rendered Michael's name as meaning "Who is like El?" ("Who is like God?"). As a question, it is understood as being rhetorical, implying the answer, "No one is like God."
MICHAEL: (from Wikipedia and Lostpedia)
(Hebrew: is an archangel in Hebrew, Christian and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. ... Michael is also described(in the book of Daniel) as the advocate of Israel and "great prince who stands up for the children of your [Daniel's] people".
The Talmudic tradition rendered Michael's name as meaning "Who is like El?" ("Who is like God?"). As a question, it is understood as being rhetorical, implying the answer, "No one is like God."
Beth: This would fit, because Jacob is unable to forgive sins or resurrect Isabella. According to the Lospedia article on Jacob, he "appears to command a great respect among the Others who look to him as a leader who is both adored and feared. Both Mikhail and Ben referred to Jacob as a "great", "brilliant", and "magnificent" man. Jacob has also been referred to as "powerful" and "unforgiving." ("Two for the Road") Occasionally members of the Others have been seen to invoke Jacob's name as an excuse for carrying out certain actions. Jacob is sometimes referred to as "Him."
According to rabbinic Jewish tradition, Michael acted as the advocate of Israel, and sometimes had to fight with the princes of the other nations (cf. Daniel 10:13) and particularly with the angel Samael, Israel's accuser. Michael's enmity with Samael dates from the time when the latter was thrown down from heaven. Samael took hold of the wings of Michael, whom he wished to bring down with him in his fall; but Michael was saved by God (Midrash Pirke R. El. xxvi.).
Beth: "Michael's enmity with Samael dates from the time when the latter was thrown down from heaven." Ab aeterno, no?
According to one source, it was Michael who wrestled with Jacob and who afterward blessed him (Targum pseudo-Jonathan to Genesis xxxii. 25; Pirke R. El. xxxvii.).
Beth: Jacob and Richard wrestled on the beach
He is accepted in lore as well as being the special patron of Adam. Supposedly he was the first angel in all of the heavens to bow down before humanity.
Beth: Jacob watches over the young Sawyer and Kate; as well as Locke and Jack.
In the Epistle of Jude St Michael disputes with the Devil over the body of Moses.[ In the Book of Revelation "...there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."
The motif of Michael and the dragon appears in Michael's fight with Samael in Assumptio Mosis, x.). This legend is not found in Jewish sources except insofar as Samael or Satan is called in the Kabbalah "the primitive serpent".
Beth: MIB as Samael, a dragon or serpent...rather like Smokie; Jacob as Michael, the dragon slayer.
Still more famous are the legends of the springs which St. Michael is said to have drawn from the rock at Colossae (Chonae, on the Lycus). Church tradition tells that the pagans directed a stream against the sanctuary of St. Michael to destroy it, but the custodian of the shrine, named Archippus, prayed to St. Michael, and the archangel appeared and split the rock, opening up a new bed to divert the stream, and forever sanctified the waters which came from the gorge. The Orthodox Church believes that this apparition took place about the middle of the first century and celebrates a feast in commemoration of it on September 6[17] as the "Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Chonae."[18] The Monastery of the Miracle in the Moscow Kremlin, where the Russian Tsars were baptized, was dedicated to the Feast of the Miracle at Chonae (Kona). Hot springs at Pythia in Bithynia and elsewhere in Asia Minor were also dedicated to St Michael.
At Constantinople likewise, Saint Michael was a great heavenly physician. His principal sanctuary, the "Michaelion", was at Sosthenion, some fifty miles south of Constantinople.
Beth: Jacob heals Locke after his fall; he seems to have healed Ilana. In the flashback presented in "Ab Aeterno", Ilana quickly goes from injured and heavily bandaged to unbandaged, apparently healed and sitting upright in bed, implying Jacob healed her between scenes
Another famous church was within the walls of [Constantinople] , at the baths of Arcadius; '
St Michael is reputed to have caused a healing spring to flow in the first century at Colossae, and his churches were frequently visited by the sick and lame.
Beth: this reminds me of the spring at the Temple...
In art, St Michael is represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield (often the shield bears the Latin inscription: "Quis ut Deus?"), standing over the dragon, whom he sometimes pierces with a lance. He also holds a pair of scales in which he weighs the souls of the departed (cf. Rock, "The Church of Our Fathers", III, 160), or the Book of Life, to show that he takes part in the judgment. Michelangelo depicted this scene on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
In Greek folklore, St Michael also assumed the god Hermes' role as the psychopomp who leads souls to Hades, and in the role of weigher of souls on Judgment Day
Beth: Jacob gave Sayid a sword with which to slay MIB; he has scales in his cave.
As with all angels' iconography, his wings represent swiftness, his sword means authority or power, and his white raiment stands for his enlightenment.[25] In the Renaissance period, he is shown as young, strong, and handsome, and is most often depicted as a proud, handsome angel in white or magnificent armor or a splendid coat of mail and equipped with sword, shield and spear.
Beth: Jacob always wears white, and he is young and strong,
According to rabbinic Jewish tradition, Michael acted as the advocate of Israel, and sometimes had to fight with the princes of the other nations (cf. Daniel 10:13) and particularly with the angel Samael, Israel's accuser. Michael's enmity with Samael dates from the time when the latter was thrown down from heaven. Samael took hold of the wings of Michael, whom he wished to bring down with him in his fall; but Michael was saved by God (Midrash Pirke R. El. xxvi.).
Beth: "Michael's enmity with Samael dates from the time when the latter was thrown down from heaven." Ab aeterno, no?
According to one source, it was Michael who wrestled with Jacob and who afterward blessed him (Targum pseudo-Jonathan to Genesis xxxii. 25; Pirke R. El. xxxvii.).
Beth: Jacob and Richard wrestled on the beach
He is accepted in lore as well as being the special patron of Adam. Supposedly he was the first angel in all of the heavens to bow down before humanity.
Beth: Jacob watches over the young Sawyer and Kate; as well as Locke and Jack.
In the Epistle of Jude St Michael disputes with the Devil over the body of Moses.[ In the Book of Revelation "...there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."
The motif of Michael and the dragon appears in Michael's fight with Samael in Assumptio Mosis, x.). This legend is not found in Jewish sources except insofar as Samael or Satan is called in the Kabbalah "the primitive serpent".
Beth: MIB as Samael, a dragon or serpent...rather like Smokie; Jacob as Michael, the dragon slayer.
Still more famous are the legends of the springs which St. Michael is said to have drawn from the rock at Colossae (Chonae, on the Lycus). Church tradition tells that the pagans directed a stream against the sanctuary of St. Michael to destroy it, but the custodian of the shrine, named Archippus, prayed to St. Michael, and the archangel appeared and split the rock, opening up a new bed to divert the stream, and forever sanctified the waters which came from the gorge. The Orthodox Church believes that this apparition took place about the middle of the first century and celebrates a feast in commemoration of it on September 6[17] as the "Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Chonae."[18] The Monastery of the Miracle in the Moscow Kremlin, where the Russian Tsars were baptized, was dedicated to the Feast of the Miracle at Chonae (Kona). Hot springs at Pythia in Bithynia and elsewhere in Asia Minor were also dedicated to St Michael.
At Constantinople likewise, Saint Michael was a great heavenly physician. His principal sanctuary, the "Michaelion", was at Sosthenion, some fifty miles south of Constantinople.
Beth: Jacob heals Locke after his fall; he seems to have healed Ilana. In the flashback presented in "Ab Aeterno", Ilana quickly goes from injured and heavily bandaged to unbandaged, apparently healed and sitting upright in bed, implying Jacob healed her between scenes
Another famous church was within the walls of [Constantinople] , at the baths of Arcadius; '
St Michael is reputed to have caused a healing spring to flow in the first century at Colossae, and his churches were frequently visited by the sick and lame.
Beth: this reminds me of the spring at the Temple...
In art, St Michael is represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield (often the shield bears the Latin inscription: "Quis ut Deus?"), standing over the dragon, whom he sometimes pierces with a lance. He also holds a pair of scales in which he weighs the souls of the departed (cf. Rock, "The Church of Our Fathers", III, 160), or the Book of Life, to show that he takes part in the judgment. Michelangelo depicted this scene on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
In Greek folklore, St Michael also assumed the god Hermes' role as the psychopomp who leads souls to Hades, and in the role of weigher of souls on Judgment Day
Beth: Jacob gave Sayid a sword with which to slay MIB; he has scales in his cave.
As with all angels' iconography, his wings represent swiftness, his sword means authority or power, and his white raiment stands for his enlightenment.[25] In the Renaissance period, he is shown as young, strong, and handsome, and is most often depicted as a proud, handsome angel in white or magnificent armor or a splendid coat of mail and equipped with sword, shield and spear.
Beth: Jacob always wears white, and he is young and strong,

SAMAEL: (from Wikipedia and Lostpedia)
Samael is an important archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good and evil. It is said that he was the guardian angel of Esau...
Beth: This would fit the Jacob/Esau relationship between Jacob and MIB. MIB as "smokie" is also an accuser (demanding, in the form of Yemi, that Eko confess his sins) and a destroyer (he killes Eko, Montand, and others). He "seduces" Claire into believing and is attempting to "seduce" Kate. He seduces Richard into believing the island is hell by taking the form of Isabella. and He is an accuser, claiming that Jacob has trapped him on the island, and want wants to keep the Losties under his finger as well.
Also called Sammael and Samil, he is considered in legend both a member of the heavenly host (with often grim and destructive duties) and a fallen angel, equatable with satan and the chief of the evil spirits. One of Samael's greatest roles in Jewish lore is that of the Angel of Death. In this capacity he is a fallen angel but nevertheless remains one of the Lord's servants.
Well, MIB certainly brings death and destruction: Lostpedia lists 10 individuals, in addition to the crew of the Black Rock and all the inhabitants of the Temple. And indirectly, he kills Jacob and Nikki.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Prince of the demons, and an important figure both in Talmudic and in post-Talmudic literature, where he appears as accuser, seducer, and destroyer. His name is etymologized as = "the venom of God," since he is identical with the angel of death (Targ. Yer. to Gen. iii. 6; see also Death, Angel of), who slays men with a drop of poison Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=106&letter=S#ixzz0jguc9h0L Some people think it was MIB who took the shape of the Medusa spider that paralyzed Nikki, "who slays with a drop of poison."
...Samael is Esau's guardian angel, and in the Sayings of Rabbi Eliezer, he is charged with being the one who tempted Eve,
Jacob is constantly tempting people: Ben, Richard, Sawyer.
1 comment:
I am just saying that I agree about Jacob, but I believe the man in black is Lucifer aka the Devil.
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