Tomorrow is PhilCon! That's what our kids call the philosophy conferences we go to...gently mocking them, after "WindyCon", "Capricon", "LepreCon" and "TusCon", among others.
We are going to attend "My Ways Are Not Your Ways: The Character of the God of the Hebrew Bible." Here is the program.
Being at these things is the closest thing I know to being at Athens with Plato and Aristotle or Nicea with Eusebius and Athanasius (in terms of the intellectual discussion). I won't understand everything but I'm eager to listen, ask my friends questions, and learn all I can!
Some people have the Superbowl, some people have the Academy Awards...and some people have PhilCons!
wish I could join you & Steve for the fun! :)
I can only assume you are scrambling to catch up with all your other duties since you got home. When are we going to hear about your trip to "PhilCon"? We're on the edge of our seats!
I'm positively numb with jealousy. How did it go? Have you stopped smiling yet?We have so many students coming who ask questions about the goodness/character of God (the God of the O.T, as they put it). Marcion is that you? Anyway, is there anyway to get a hold of some of those resources for our library here at L'Abri.
Hi Jeff!
Yes, it was a great conference. I'm writing something about it now for this blog.
According to the ND website,
"the papers, comments, and replies from the conference will be collected in a volume provisionally titled Divine Evil? The Moral Character of the God of Abraham. We have a contract with Oxford University Press for this volume and expect it to be published in 2010."
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