Friday, July 20, 2007

What happens when you wonder after midnight, Part II

In Leonard Sweet's The Gospel According to Starbucks, the futurist calls the church to master the "EPIC" living that Starbucks has mastered. EPIC stands for Experience, Participation, "Images that throb with meaning," and Connection."The culture helps the church become more of an epic community," he said.

And here I thought the church was to become more like Christ. Silly me! Guess we'll need to revise Revelation 2-3 to read "To him who lives EPICally, I will give a Venti Zebra Mocha-Coca Breve (with 1 extra pump of each dark and white chocolate) with caramel syrup drizzled in the cup, pumps of vanilla and peppermint, topped with WC, M, WM, and CR drizzle."

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