Friday, May 20, 2005

Resurrection Documentary on 20/20 Tonight

What happened Easter morning? Why was the tomb empty? Was Jesus' resurrection a physical event, or a spiritual experience in the hearts of His disciples? Tonight (Friday, May 20) at 10 pm the ABC news magazine, "20/20" will air a special entitled "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Searching for Answers." What makes this program different is that, in addition to the usual perspective represented by the likes of John Shelby Spong and Richard McBrian, there seems to be an attempt to include more conservative voices.

According to the website,, that perspective will be represented by
  • Lee Strobel, journalist, author of The Case for Christ, and teaching pastor at Saddleback Community Church
  • William Lane Craig, Research professor of theology at Talbot University; author; apologist (known for his debates with Antony Flew, John Dominic Crosson and others); and contributor to "Leadershop U" at
  • Ben Witherington III, professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary, internationally respected scholar, and author of over 30 books including The Jesus Quest and The Paul Quest.

Steve and I know Bill Craig personally. He is a brilliant guy who has done an amazing job of obeying 1 Peter 3:15, always being ready to give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ. He has been one of the persons behind a great theological and philosophical website called "Leadership U" as well as others like Beliefnet, and he has recently written an introductory philosophy textbook entitled Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. They hate him, but find him a worthy opponent over at The Secular Web/

As for Richard McBrien, the disocesan priest who teaches at the University of Notre Dame and who will also be featured in this program: please realize that the ND theology department has a long history of "dissent" and holding positions at odds with the Bishop of Rome. See the following website for some examples: It's ironic, but when we were at Notre Dame the philosophy department was the place to find orthodox Christians, not the theology department. I think that's probably still the case.

I'm looking forward to hearing Stobel, Witherington and Craig tonight, and encourage you to tune in. Let us pray that these men will be able to speak freely and faithfully in defense of our risen Lord, and that He will use this program to open a doorway for the Gospel into many souls.

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