Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Missing Earring

I had a small but still gracious intervention this week.

When I was in high school, I saw a girl get her pierced hoops pulled through her earlobe in gym as we were playing volleyball. A team mate spiked a ball and got her fingers caught in one of the hoops. (Yes, the girl should have removed them before class but must have forgotten to do so.) Ever since then I have refused to get my ears pierced.

It's harder and harder to find cute and comfortable clip earrings, so I wear several that belonged to my mother. She had a pair of plain white ones that I constantly wear in the summer. They are so comfortable that I can wear them all day. Last week I had to have a bone scan; they tell you to remove all metal beforehand. So I took off those earrings, and put them back on when I was done.

When I got home, I realized I was wearing only one earring. I was sick--these earrings are irreplaceable! I said to the Lord, "okay, you must be teaching me not to value earthly things above you. So I will try to remember that each time I miss being able to wear those earrings."

Three days later, I put on the same pants I wore to the scan, and stuffed a mask in the pocket, to use once I got to church. When I reached to put it on, I felt something hard. "What in the world?" I thought. I pulled out the mask, and there, at the bottom of my pocket, was the missing earring. ❤️

"... He calls into being things that were not." (Rom 4:17)

Praise to you, Lord Christ!

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