Friday, June 26, 2020

Masks: Protection or Political statements?

"Now This" is a biased news source, but these are real people and I expect they represent the beliefs of many Americans.  They believe His Stable Genius' opinion that people wear them as a political statement, showing their disapproval of him.

I cannot help but recall Jon Stewart's observations on Colbert's show: ""The mask is now the 'Don't Tread on Me' thing. It's a symbol of tyranny." [And yet, doctors ] "wear that in operating rooms, right? They do that not because they're listening to NPR... I just want to say to all those people, like, the next time you get an operation, you just say the doctor, 'You take that liberal bull$#!% somewhere else. You come in here with no covering, you don't wash those hands, and you stick them in my open wound, 'cause I'm an AMERICAN!"

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