Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Trump, the Lord's Annointed?

This is the best analysis of Our Dear Leader,--the Stable Genius and Chosen One of God-- that I have yet seen. Read it in it's entirety:

Why Trump’s base won’t let him apologize, even if he wanted to.

Like most labels used inside fundamentalist Christianity, “anointing” had no particular meaning to those on the outside. It was part of our code, a way of communicating that set us apart. To call someone “anointed” was to affirm their unique role in God’s plan, a role that made them special and different in a more particular way than everyone else. God chose them for a purpose, and to question their fitness for that role was to challenge the very will of God.

... Temptation was proof that he was doing God’s work and was being “attacked” by the devil.
The “anointed” could admit any number of personal or moral failings with near-impunity. What he could not do, however, was admit any hint of error in his God-ordained path. The “anointed” was allowed to be sinful but was never permitted to be wrong. Sin was evidence of humanity, excusable failing; error simply could not be. To accuse “God’s anointed” of doctrinal error or a ministerial misstep was to strike at the heart of God’s plan.

...Now, seeing the far-right tripping over itself to carry even Trump’s most inane defenses, I understand. Trump cannot be wrong. Trump cannot apologize. All manner of human failure can be forgiven, but they cannot question Trump’s decisions, because Trump’s decisions come from God.

...So the one thing that could save Trump’s presidency by giving his Republican allies a way to save face is the very last thing Trump’s base will ever allow him to do.>


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