Thursday, June 27, 2019

Love, Truth and the LGBTQ debate in the ECC

Right now our denomination is in the midst of a messy debate about approval of LGBTQ behavior. Unfortunately, kicking the problem down the line from "Where is it written" in the scriptures  to "living in fellowship with the Spirit" doesn't help things. Our denomination is non-creedal, so while it does affirm that "the Bible is the only perfect rule for faith and conduct," it also has a strong dependence on "living in fellowship with the Spirit." ( Appealing to 19th century Pietism)

Both those who want the Covenant to approve of homosexual behavior (note the distinction I am making between behavior and orientation) and those who don't are claiming to be depending on the Bible and "living
in fellowship with the Spirit" and accusing the other side of NOT doing so. 
Yes, we are to be people who love God and our neighbors (Luke 10:27) but we are also to be people who love truth (John 14:6; John 17:17) and live accordingly.

I am haunted by Ezra 10 and 1 Cor. 5:1-5. These seem to be instances where the people of God are being told not to approve some acts, and to do some things which are painful, and which cause pain.

I wonder if there aren't two sorts of spiritual personalities: the "Franciscans" who place love above truth, and the "Dominicans," who place truth above love. Both err, insofar as the One who is Love is also the Truth; and the One who is Truth is also Love.

Anyway, all this is making me appreciate Catholics and EO's even more than ever before. It seems like they at least teach some clear, shared understandings of scripture and life in the Spirit.

God help us.

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