Thursday, April 12, 2012

QUOTES: A Protestant Response to the "big vs. small government" argument

from landonville

Diana Butler Bass on the appropriate Protestant response to the "big v small government" argument.

    First, for far too long, the secular argument about government has been “small” government versus “big” government. Protestant theology, however, offers a completely different insight. It isn’t the size of government that is problematic—the issue is whether government is good or bad. Good government reflects the principles of neighborliness, creates a sense of common benefit, serves and listens to all of its people. Bad government serves only itself or an elite, cut off from any idea of a common good, and works to maintain its interests instead of an ethical vision for society. Protestants would do well to protest against bad government, and not simply take sides in a false argument between small and big government. We need to protest for good government. --Diana Butler Bass

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