Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nominalism, the liberal arts, and education

If you're interested in the liberal arts, and/or the consequences of nominalism, here's something worth listening to: "Mars Hill Audio Journal," vol. 102, interview with Stratford Caldecott. Caldecott is head of the Center for Faith and Culture at the university of Oxford, and author of Beauty for Truth's Sake.

Ken Myers' introduction:

"The next segment features Stratford Caldecott on how beauty is linked to the inherent meaning in Creation. He talks about some of the concerns that led him to elaborate on this issue, especially his experiences of nominalism in the education system growing up. He notes that the steady disenchantment of the world has caused people to become insecure when it comes to matters of beauty and faith. If the world is meaningless apart from the meaning we impose on it, then faith and beauty become a matter of will rather than something objective and inherent within the structure of Creation. Caldecott discusses the implications of recovering the true character of Creation as a gift of love for our life of understanding."

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