...I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through a belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
Of the Creator of creation.
...I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through a belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
Of the Creator of creation.
I bind unto myself this day
the strong name of the Trinity.
The Creator’s gifts of earth and sky,
the flowing creeks and fertile land,
the winter sun and summer moon,
the roaring sea and golden sand.
I bind unto myself this day
the Christ who wears our human clay.
The Baby sleeping in a stall,
the Healer touching our disease,
the Man of love upon the Cross,
the risen Friend who hears our pleas.
I bind unto myself this day
the Spirit who is here to stay.
The Breath that makes the broken whole,
the Truth that flows like liquid light,
the Wind that sweeps my dusty soul,
the Fire that warms the darkest night.
I bind unto myself this day
the Fellowship that’s our mainstay.
The Grace that holds us all in thrall,
the Love than links us one and all,
the Peace that sweeps away our fears,
the Joy that wipes away all tears.
From now unto infinity,
The strong name of the Trinity.
( B D Prewer. Inspired by St Patrick)
the strong name of the Trinity.
The Creator’s gifts of earth and sky,
the flowing creeks and fertile land,
the winter sun and summer moon,
the roaring sea and golden sand.
I bind unto myself this day
the Christ who wears our human clay.
The Baby sleeping in a stall,
the Healer touching our disease,
the Man of love upon the Cross,
the risen Friend who hears our pleas.
I bind unto myself this day
the Spirit who is here to stay.
The Breath that makes the broken whole,
the Truth that flows like liquid light,
the Wind that sweeps my dusty soul,
the Fire that warms the darkest night.
I bind unto myself this day
the Fellowship that’s our mainstay.
The Grace that holds us all in thrall,
the Love than links us one and all,
the Peace that sweeps away our fears,
the Joy that wipes away all tears.
From now unto infinity,
The strong name of the Trinity.
( B D Prewer. Inspired by St Patrick)
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