we thank you this morning that
we are your sheep,
And that you provide us with green pastures.
We praise you that you are not a god
And that you provide us with green pastures.
We praise you that you are not a god
who condemns us to freedom.
You have not left us as wild animals,
You have not left us as wild animals,
in the jungle of sin,
free to roam and pounce
free to roam and pounce
according to our own bloodthirsty desires;
feral in our freedom;
vicious in our vices.
And we praise you that you are not a god
feral in our freedom;
vicious in our vices.
And we praise you that you are not a god
who strips us of freedom.
You have not confined us,
You have not confined us,
as if we were animals in a divine zoo,
captives of your commandments;
lashed by your laws.
No! You have assigned us our portion and cup,
You have made our lots secure.
Your boundary lines fall for us in pleasant places,
Because it is in Christ
that we live, and move, and have our being;
Because it is in Christ
that we are freed from sin to fresh friendships
with you
with each other
with all creation.
Today we celebrate this mystery:
It is because we are bound
captives of your commandments;
lashed by your laws.
No! You have assigned us our portion and cup,
You have made our lots secure.
Your boundary lines fall for us in pleasant places,
Because it is in Christ
that we live, and move, and have our being;
Because it is in Christ
that we are freed from sin to fresh friendships
with you
with each other
with all creation.
Today we celebrate this mystery:
It is because we are bound
by Christ’s love and truth,
That we are no longer animals,
That we are no longer animals,
either captive or wild.
It is because we are in Christ,
that we are free to be
It is because we are in Christ,
that we are free to be
what you always meant for us to be:
fully human.
This meditation to accompany worship at Valley Covenant Church, November 11, 2007.
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